The Development Of Responsive Kid-Friendly Web Framework (Kidsstyle)
No matter which era we are living in, a child's education must be prioritized. The speed of mobile devices produced in this current day is extremely fast paced, therefore forcing mobile manufacturers to produce multiple devices with different shapes and sizes to stand out among its competitors. That is why it is harder to develop applications and websites that can accommodate all types of devices in the market that have different resolutions and sizes. This is where responsive design comes in for developers. This project aims to provide a responsive and children friendly web framework to lighten the burden of educational web developers. Children friendly elements are proposed and added into the framework for testing and results of the finding will be analyzed in the result and discussion chapter. The final conclusion will then be made in the last chapter.
Malaysia Constitutional Law System, Study on The Use Advanced Searching Algorithm (Rule-Based and Horspool Algorithm)
Page quality are important to make a good application. Many researchers are implements the page quality using the advanced searching algorithm. To make a good of the average page quality of the Malaysia statute federal constitutional are important for success this study. The federal constitutional has a lot of interrelated acts for every page. Therefore, it is difficult for the users to find all the inter-related acts from the federal constitutional using manual method. In this research, we study about the concept of advanced searching algorithm to build an intelligent web based system. We hope after build the intelligent web based system can solved the problem that user's faced.