As an educator having recently completed my PhD research study, I am constantly reflecting on the evolving landscape of education. As part of my defence, my examiner expressed interest in how I felt about Druker’s predictions, particularly in light of prevailing advancements in online learning, such as MOOCs. I wholeheartedly agree with Druker’s statement, which emphasizes the importance of considering alternative learning methods, especially those heavily reliant on technology, like online learning platforms.
Concern about the escalating cost of education, during an interview in 1997 by Forbes, Peter Druker, a management consultant, educator and author, was quoted saying, “Thirty years from now, the big university campuses will be relics. Universities will not survive” (van Baalen, P.J., Moratis, L.T., 2001). Druker also suggested that video delivery could reduce costs and obviate campus building needs. The thirty-year prediction runs until 2027, and it gives us approximately five years to be prepared and carefully re-evaluate how our education system works best in today’s challenging environment, especially at the high-learning institution levels.
In recent years, the advent of Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and other innovative online learning methods has challenged traditional educational methods and institutions. As innovative teaching and learning strategies continue to emerge, the world of education must embrace and adapt to these technologies. While online learning does not wholly replace the rich, face-to-face interactions in a physical classroom, it offers a best-of-both-worlds approach wherein the in-person experience can be delivered through online platforms.
GPT-4, a recent innovation in Natural Language Processing, demonstrates significant potential in delivering an immersive and interactive virtual learning experience. Universities need to accommodate these advancements and integrate them into their educational programs to ensure their curricula are current, relevant, and engaging. MOOC platforms, such as edX, Coursera, and FutureLearn, offer a perfect avenue for educational institutions looking to maximize their students’ learning potential in this digital age.
Arden University is one institution that best represents this method of teaching higher education. They provide a wide range of blended learning certificates and online distance learning courses, all with the goal of enabling their students to influence the direction of business. Because of their groundbreaking work in alternative learning approaches and their dedication to embracing pedagogical tips and technological advancements, Arden stands apart in the higher education sector.
In conclusion, alternative learning methods and platforms, such as GPT-4 and MOOC platforms, present a unique opportunity for educational institutions to revolutionize their teaching and learning approaches. Universities that recognize the power and potential of these groundbreaking technologies will undoubtedly lead the charge in shaping the future of higher education. Embracing these alternative learning approaches will ultimately contribute to promoting a more inclusive, accessible, and effective educational experience for students across the globe.